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SharePoint Online - Create free trial account

In this article, we will go in step by step process to create a free Office 365 (O365) account and get trial access to SharePoint Online. The trial version is very helpful to the students and developers who want to work in SharePoint Online. Let’s get started.

Create an O365 free trial account

  • Click on the link:
  • Click on Free trial.
  • o365 E3
  • A window will open. Provide your information on that.
    1. Let’s set up your account: Enter Your email address and click on Next. After that click on Set up account.
    2. o365 e3 setup your account
    3. Tell us about yourself: Enter your
      • First name
      • Middle name
      • Last name
      • Business phone number - You will get a confirmation code on your given phone number
      • Company name
      • Company size
      • Country or region. . Click on Next.
      • o365 e3 about your self
      • Enter the verification code. Click on Verify
      • o365 e3 verification code
    4. Create your business identity: Your final URL will be made up based on the value you provide here. Click on Next. o365 e3 business identity
      • Provide your name and password. This will be your access credentials whenever you access the SharePoint Online. Click on Sign up.
      • o365 e3 business identity2
    5. You’re all set. Save the information and click on Go to Setup.
    6. o365 e3 done
  • Voila!!! The setup process is done! You are ready to use the SharePoint Online application.

From Trial Subscription To O365 paid Subscription

  • Once your free trial period is over and after that if you buy an O365 subscription, all the content and information will remain intact. You have to purchase license with the same number of user account you used for creating free account.
  • After your free trial period is over, you won’t be able to sign in O365 BUT you will get additional 30days, within which you can buy the subscription on the same number.

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