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PowerApps Remove records from data base

The Remove function in Power Apps is used to delete a record or records from a data source. This function can be used to remove single or multiple records based on certain conditions.

PowerApps – Remove() function Syntax

Remove(DataSource, Record1 [, Record2, ...])

  • DataSource: The data source from which you want to remove records.
  • Record1, Record2, ...: The records you want to remove.


  1. Data Backup: Ensure that important data is backed up before allowing users to remove records.
  2. User Confirmation: Implement confirmation dialogs to prevent accidental deletions.
  3. Error Handling: Use error handling to manage scenarios where the record cannot be found or removed.

PowerApps  - Remove a Specific Record from data source

Suppose you have a data source named Employees and you want to remove a specific employee record.

  1. Add a Button Control:
    • Insert a Button control.
    • Set the Text property of the Button to "Remove Employee".
    • Set the OnSelect property of the Button to:

Remove(Employees, LookUp(Employees, EmployeeID = 1))

When the button is clicked, it will remove the employee record with EmployeeID 1 from the Employees data source.

PowerApps – Remove Multiple Records from data source

Suppose you want to remove multiple specific employee records.

  1. Add a Button Control:
    • Insert a Button control.
    • Set the Text property of the Button to "Remove Employees".
    • Set the OnSelect property of the Button to:


    LookUp(Employees, EmployeeID = 1),

    LookUp(Employees, EmployeeID = 2)


When the button is clicked, it will remove the employee records with EmployeeID 1 and EmployeeID 2 from the Employees data source.

PowerApps - Remove a Record Based on User Input

Suppose you want to remove a record based on user input for an employee ID.

  1. Add a Text Input Control for User Input:
    • Insert a Text Input control named EmployeeIDInput.
    • Set the HintText property to "Enter Employee ID".
  2. Add a Button Control to Remove the Record:
    • Insert a Button control.
    • Set the Text property of the Button to "Remove Employee".
    • Set the OnSelect property of the Button to:

Remove(Employees, LookUp(Employees, EmployeeID = Value(EmployeeIDInput.Text)))

When the button is clicked, it will remove the employee record with the ID entered in the EmployeeIDInput control.

PowerApps – Remove All Records Based on a Condition

Suppose you want to remove all records that meet a certain condition, such as all employees in a specific department.

  1. Add a Button Control:
    • Insert a Button control.
    • Set the Text property of the Button to "Remove All from IT Department".
    • Set the OnSelect property of the Button to:

RemoveIf(Employees, Department = "IT")

When the button is clicked, it will remove all employee records from the Employees data source where the department is "IT".

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