The IsToday function in PowerApps is used to determine whether a given date/time value corresponds to today's date. This function is useful for validating or filtering records based on whether they occur today, enhancing user experiences by showing relevant daily data.
PowerApps – IsToday() Syntax
- Date: The date/time value to check. This should be valid date format.
PowerApps – IsToday() basic Example
To check if the current date/time (Now()) is today:
This returns true if the current date is today.
PowerApps – IsToday() with a Specific Date
To check if a specific date, such as January 1, 2024, is today:
This returns true if the given date is today's date (based on the system date).
PowerApps – IsToday() with a Variable
Suppose you have a variable MyDate containing a date value, and you want to check if it is today:
To apply conditional formatting to highlight records for today, such as changing the color of a label:
If(IsToday(ThisItem.DateField), Color.Green, Color.Black)
This sets the text color to green if DateField is today, otherwise black.