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What is the difference between Farm solution and Sandboxed solutions?

Farm Solution Sandboxed solution
It is deployed on SharePoint server in solution store It is deployed on Site collection level in Solution gallery
Hosted in IIS worker process(W3WP.exe)  Hosted in SharePoint user code solution worker process(SPUCWorkerProcess.exe)
To debug, attach debugger to W3WP process, running the current site To debug, attach debugger to SPUCWorkerProcess process
IIS pool recycles when new feature/package is installed Not mandatory to recycle SPUCWorkerProcess process when new version of code is installed
The deployed code can affect the entire Farm The deployed code can only affect site collection
It supports all the features and functionalities as long as it is achievable using SharePoint server side object model or any other supported API. Do not support following features and functionalities

(1) Application pages
(2) Farm scoped features
(3) Web Application scoped features
(4) Workflow with code
(5) Cannot access resources from the server
Mapped folders can be added in the project Mapped folders cannot be added in the project
Can connect and access external database and web services Cannot access external database or connect to external web services
Farm solutions are installed >> deployed >> and features are activated for code to work Sandboxed solutions are uploaded to solution gallery >> and Activated for code to work
Only Farm Administrator can deploy the code package Need at least Site collection Administrator access to deploy the code package

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